Friday, 12 February 2021

SYMCLI / SE cmds to create and map thin devices [TDEV] to Host - {EMC storage commands}

  SYMCLI / SE cmds to create and map Thin devices to Host 

Dell EMC

#Instructions: SymmID = Symmetrix ID (Last 3 digits)[ In my case it is 197900125. So I picked last 3 digits 125 as SID)

#Create Storage Group (Ex: BlockPool1) 

symsg -sid 125 create BlockPool1 -slo diamond -srp SRP_1

#Create thin devices and add it to Storage group (BlockPool1)


symdev -sid 125 -nop -v -sg BlockPool1 create -tdev -emulation fba -N 1 -cap 1024 -captype GB

#Create Port Group (Ex: portsgroupBlockIO1)

symaccess -sid 125 -name portsgroupBlockIO1 -type port create

#Add a director port (1d:8) to the port group

symaccess -sid 125 -name portsgroupBlockIO1 -type port -dirport 1d:8 add

#Create an Initiator group (Ex: initiatorGroupBlockIO1)

symaccess -sid 125 -name initiatorGroupBlockIO1 -type initiator create

#Add host wwn (Ex: 10000000c99bbbfe) to the initiator group

symaccess -sid 125 -name initiatorGroupBlockIO1 -type initiator add -wwn 10000000c99bbbfe

#Create Masking View (Ex: BlockPool1_mv) for the Storage group, Port group and Initiator group.

symaccess -sid 125 create view -name BlockPool1_mv -sg BlockPool1 -pg portsgroupBlockIO1 -ig initiatorGroupBlockIO1

Now, go to your host and rescan scsi adapters. The devices should e visible in your host.